The Only Hoverboard Company in the UK to provide UL Certified Hoverboards

Hoverboard ® Blog

Best HOVERBOARD<sup>®</sup> For Kids

blog calendar January 21, 2024

Best HOVERBOARD® For Kids 2024

Not every kid size HOVERBOARD® is appropriate for kids or children; some HOVERBOARD® are large, heavy, difficult to operate and are capable of traveling quite fast. Luckily,…

blog calendar January 23, 2024

Best HOVERBOARD® Seller 2024

Drifter Black Best HOVERBOARD® Of 2024   The Drifter is easily our top pick because it is so versatile and well rounded. It has all…

blog calendar May 17, 2021

HOVERBOARD® Featured in National Press

Vanguard Feature One of our most popular Balance Board’s by HOVERBOARD®® that we sell, the Vanguard was featured in an article by the The Standard…

blog calendar July 13, 2021

Looking After Your HOVERBOARD®

A HOVERBOARD® is like a bike in the sense that you would still need clean and check up on it. Maintaining such a product is…

blog calendar March 10, 2021

Why Does a HOVERBOARD® Have…

Most HOVERBOARD® products of ours do come with Bluetooth functionality. HOVERBOARD® with Bluetooth Speaker have the ability to play music and sounds from your smartphone…

blog calendar July 7, 2021

What Is The HOVERBOARD® Weight…

So, some questions that have popped up is surely everybody is not suitable to ride or use a HOVERBOARD®, and how much can the HOVERBOARD®

blog calendar July 1, 2021

What is the lifetime of…

Durability is a big thing when it comes to gadgets of today, especially with how expensive things are these days such as Game consoles, Televisions,…

blog calendar May 13, 2021

Why do we call them…

Quite a common question and the answer is really that’s not the official name for them. It is actually a self-balancing scooter or a smart…

blog calendar June 29, 2021

How has the HOVERBOARD® come…

Well, other than paparazzi catching big celebrates on HOVERBOARD®, artists and movies stars such as Wiz Khalifa, Jamie Foxx, Lilly Allen, Justin Bieber, Jessica Alba,…

blog calendar July 9, 2021

Where are all our HOVERBOARD®

Despite the fact all of our HOVERBOARD® products are certified as complying with the EU safety regulations, and follow all safety regulations that UK products…

blog calendar July 5, 2021

Seven Reason Why You Should…

They are many reasons to purchase the latest craze in gadgets on the streets, apart from the sheer awesomeness of these amazing products lets us…

blog calendar June 21, 2021

Can Your Child Use a…

Can Kids Use HOVERBOARD® For Riding   HOT DEAL Riding a HOVERBOARD®, especially in this day and age of how children from smaller ages of…

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